Sunday, December 3, 2017

The True Reiki Principles

The Ten Commandments of God's Law: The True Reiki Principles

Based on the fact that the word Reiki means "Divine Energy, Energy of God", the True Reiki Principles (of God) are the following (for the Good of Humanity):

The Ten Commandments of God's Law:
• The first, you will love God above all things.
• The second, you will not use the name of God in vain
•      The third, sanctify the holidays.
•      The fourth, Honor your father and your mother.
• The fifth, you shall not kill.
• The sixth, you shall not commit unchaste acts.
• The seventh, you shall not steal.
• The eighth, you shall not give false testimony or lie.
•      The ninth, no impure thoughts or desires.
• The tenth, you will not covet the property of others.

These Ten Commandments are summed up in two:
"You shall love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself"

* Backed by Damián Alvarez. Great Teacher of Reiki