Thursday, June 22, 2017


Chakras. A Living Rainbow

Each chakra vibrates at a particular frequency energy that produces a particular light, I mean a certain color.
Not that the chakra has this or that color, it is the chakra that produces the color.
The range of different colors of light are just variations of the light / energy.
The Crown Chakra vibrates with the Divine Light from the "Soul Star", that is with white light or Gold
The Third Eye Chakra vibrates with the Violet Light
The Throat Chakra vibrates with the Blue Light.
The heart chakra vibrates with two colors, light pink and light green.
The Solar Plexus Chakra vibrates with the yellow light.
The Sacral Chakra vibrates with orange light.
The Base Chakra vibrates with red earth energies.

When the Human Soul equally Divine White Light blend and Light Red Telluric be formed in light pink, light, energy, the color of love.
When the Yellow Light Solar Plexus mixed with the Blue Light Throat chakra, the energy, the color green, the color of Hope (virtue of the heart) it is made.
Here are the two energies for the Heart Chakra.
The mixture of light pink Heart Chakra with the Throat Chakra Blue Light produces Violet / Light Lila Third Eye chakra.
Other colors, energy, light the rest of the chakras consists of white light mixed with the Crown Chakra Red Light Base Chakra,
So we have the Holy Light Orange really is the Red Light Base Chakra with a little spiritual light White Crown Chakra.
The Yellow Light Solar Plexus also form the Red Light Base Chakra and the Crown Chakra White light but now with more of White Light.

And so I discovered the reason for the disintegration of light into a rainbow in the System of Higher Chakras.